Sunday 17 June 2012

The physics of going out with a girl

After spending some time searching for someone, I learnt girls want 5 important things from a guy. They're called the 5 C's. They are :

1) Cash
2) Credit Card
3) Condominium
4) Car
5) Children

The first 4 C's can come in any order but No.5 is ALWAYS last. And I suppose No.1 can always be considered 1st. I learnt that through my previous relationship. She and her mum said the same words : When a boy takes his girl out, he pays. When the girl take boy out, she pays. But usually I end up taking her out. Damn...

Why is this always so?? Why can't girls practice Dutch Style (also known as AA style) in which both people pay when going out?? After all, if they get serious and get married do you think the girl pays for the wedding? Of course not!! It's the boy's responsibility again. Always on us boys. Not fair.

My friend's sister does AA style with her guy 'cos she claims : "If the boy pays for MOST of the expenses and later they end up breaking up, the boy loses more in terms of $$$." You know, she has a point.

I do hope every girl reads this and tried it out with her guy. Then they'll all live "happily ever after". But of course, I don't expect girls to do this 'cos it's rare. Anyway, my future girlfriend and I will HAVE to go AA style when going out dating. Only before marriage, of course. After marriage, it'll be "Honey, please buy that or you're sleeping on the sofa tonight."  xD

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