Saturday 21 July 2012

Bon Odori Penang 2012

A few weeks ago, I  saw the flyer for the Bon Odori event that's going to be held here in Esplanade, Penang.  I decided "I must go since I could not attend last year's event". A few weeks ago, a dream was dreamed.

Tonight, a few hours ago, that dream became reality as I boarded the public bus passing along that area together with my mum. The roads were caught in a severe traffic jam that stretched for miles, due to the event happening. But the bus soon managed to crawl to the bus stop and we alighted. My Bon Odri Night had begun.

To be honest, I expected oodles of Japanese food stalls everywhere. But as I slowly pushed along the (very) crowded street. However, I was disappointed to find the entire row filled with local food such as Malay Satay, Wan Tan Mee, Fried Chicken and Char Koay Teow. Only 2 or 3 stalls were authentic japanese stalls like the Tako Stall.

Moving along, my mum and I ventured to the souvenir stalls. I saw LOTS of stuff during my 1st Round and bought 1 coupon booklet (1 booklet = RM 20 worth of coupons, consisting of 2 x RM 1, 2 x RM 2, 2 x RM 3 and 2 x RM 4) during my 2nd Round.

 I wanted to buy the SNSD mug but it was too expensive. It was kinda funny but awkward as I had 2 silly incidents about that mug. The girl told me the price but as it was noisy I only heard the 4..I gave another guy a RM 4 coupon and he replied to me the chinese for 14. I said sorry and walked off to purchased my 2nd booklet, hoping to have enough to get the mug. It had all 9 girls photos on it~!!

Unfortunately giving the guy RM 14, he looked at me weirdly and said the price again louder. This time I heard it clearly. "RM 40". I was like "WTF??Oh shit~! The embarrassment". I said No and walked away, again. He must have thought I was crazy.

So how did I spend the remainder of my RM 24? Easy as pie. I bought a T-Shirt with the picture of Bon Odori on it, a Stress Ball to squeeze when I'm angry, a opera mask and a bottle of water. RM 1 remainder = souvenir as a token of memory for Bon Odori Night.

All together I spent RM 39 in one night. Wow but my mum  said its ok, I don't come to these events very often (it was our first time) so what the hell, it was worth the money for a night of fun and great experience. To see my photos, add my fb profile at the link below and check out my photo album. Kamsahamida~!! *bows*

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